* To be considered for the Habitat homeownership program, you and your household members must be willing to complete a certain number of “sweat equity” hours, which may include hours spent helping to build your home and the homes of others, attending homeownership classes, and/or other approved activities. AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT CREDIT & BACKGROUND CHECK * I understand that by filing this application, I am authorizing Habitat for Humanity to evaluate my actual need for the Habitat homeownership program, my ability to repay an affordable loan and other expenses of homeownership, and my willingness to be a partner through sweat equity and otherwise according to Habitat for Humanity policy. I understand that the evaluation will include personal visits, a credit check and employment verification (if applicable). I have answered all the questions on this application truthfully and accurately, and if any of the information provided changes after I submit this application, I will supplement this application, as applicable. I understand that if I have not answered the questions truthfully, accurately or completely, or fail to supplement this application as necessary to maintain its accuracy and completeness, my application may be denied, and that even if I have already been selected to receive a Habitat home, I may be disqualified from the program and forfeit any rights or claims to a Habitat home. The original or a copy of this application will be retained by Habitat for Humanity even if the application is not approved. If this application is created as (or converted into) an “electronic application,” I consent to the use of “electronic records” and “electronic signatures” as the terms are defined in and governed by applicable federal and/or state electronic transaction laws. I intend to sign and have signed this application either using my: (a) electronic signature or (b) a written signature and agree that if a paper version of this application is converted into an electronic application, the application will be an electronic record, and the representation of my written signature on this application will be my binding electronic signature. I also understand that Habitat for Humanity screens all applicants on the sex offender registry. By completing this application, I am submitting myself to such an inquiry. I further understand that by completing this application, I am submitting myself to a criminal background check A FACSIMILE, ELECTRONIC OR OTHER COPY OF THIS SIGNED AUTHORIZATION SHALL BE AS VALID AS THE ORIGINAL.